Ice might be good for keeping food fresh but generally speaking, ice and human body don't mix ;) which is perhaps not surprising when you consider over 65% of the human body is made out of water.
So, generally if you want to live a long life, keep in your mind trying not to get too cold. However, scientifically under controlled conditions at certain situations ice can be very effectual. In fact, doctors have been prescribing it for years to help reducing the swilling and help in speeding up the healing process for traumatized body parts.

This might appear to be some kind as medieval masochism but there is science behind the madness .. The idea is that the iced water cools your body and this districts the blood flow to your traumatized limbs.
Once you get out of water, fresh blood floods into these areas providing Oxygen to the inflamed muscles, leaving you refreshed and ready for the next training session.